Our Mandates


Our mandates

Provision of knowledge and expertise to whom they turn for information, help and advice. Provision of information about behavior management techniques or emotional problems, and to teachers helping a school administration develop a new program;

Providing clinical intervention concerning social, emotional, or behavioral issues to individuals, families, groups and community organizations.

Activities include,

  • Identifying issues and alternatives
  • Offering information
  • Providing assistance to establish a plan of action.

We suggest guides, eases, or expedites the way for others during a good experience

Passing information and teachers relevant skills, availability of workshops and training sessions for students, parents, residents etc. our educational input involves a wide range:

  • Family Life Education.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Decision Making
  • Communication skills / social skills
  • Psychological management
  • Information about sexuality
  • Current issues facing students and newly
  • Proposed school programs

We serve as a broker who helps link the needy persons’ linkages or referrals mighty involve any type of resource.

We help to coordinate services from a variety of sources.

We work with others in the community to initiate change or develop needed programs

We work to “influence, initiate and develop policy, which affects the social and emotional development of children, youth within this school and community. Through participating in policy making communities, writing grants and as members of professional organizations, active in crating programs that benefit the educational process.