Our Functions

Education important
Boost Awareness
Build self-esteem
We are committed to the poor

We follow to serve the neediest people in the communities each to relieve their suffering pain, stress and healing in a broken heart individual, family, group and community. We respect the poor as active participants, in this accord. They are people from whom others may learn and receive, as well as give.

We value people

We regard all human being as created and love by GOD. We share love access priority to all before money, structure, and other institutional machinery. We celebrate the richness to diversity in human personality culture and contribution.

We know that our credentials are transparency, dignity, sincerity, loyalty, respect, intrinsic worth and love to all human being. We encourage the individual, personal, professional and spiritual development of all human being.

We are steward

The resources at our disposal are not ours, they are a trust from. The Divine Most High through donors on behalf of the needy persons, we pledge our transparency in dealings with donors, sponsors and the public at large.

We are and act in ways that will restore and protect our environment as a whole;

We are partners

We maintain a spirit of transparency towards other humanitarian organizations, foundations, Traditional Royal Families, government and agencies, international organizations and desire mutual participation in ministry.

Be a volunteer

We will give to the children an opportunity to see the pictures of their helpers if possible and to contract them if granted by the helper-building a relationship that could change both lives.