- +234 813 091 2496
- godsarmglobalfoundation@gmail.com
- Detroit, Michigan USA and Nigeria, West Africa
Dedicated To The Divine Most High God For Showing His Eternal Love To Humankind From Generation To Generation For Sending His Only Begotten Son To Redeem The World From Eternal Damnation, The Foundation Name Was Birthed In The Month Of May 27, 2014. When The Lord Reveal To The Founder His Mighty Arm In The Sky Physically Around 9pm, It Was An Unforgettable Encounter!!!
GOD’S ARM GLOBAL FOUNDATION : Is an International Non-Profit Organization, foster humanitarian relief development and advocacy organization, dedicated to working with Individuals, Families, Groups, Communities, Organizations, Foundations, Social institutions and Ivy Leagues, Churches and Ministries, Government and Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations and International Non-Governmental and Non Profit Organizations and Intergovernmental Organizations like United Nations and her subsidiaries: World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, Organization of Africa Union, and the European Union, Hague et cetera, helping to solve social, economic, health, and spiritual challenges in order to overcome the hindrances obstructing growth, productivity and expansion. We are determined, willing and capable to mitigate and ameliorate global challenges and become a dynamic regulatory agency acting as a catalyst for positive change so as to provides hope and assistance to help the needy persons beyond the motherless children, less privileged, widows, oppressed women, vulnerable, senior citizens and those that have lost hope and who may think suicide is the only way out, in order to help them reach their full potential.
We are looking forward to establishing our Free Tuition University; online with brick and mortal learning.
“We must help the “Have –Nots” not only because it is in our own self-interest but because it is Right.”
STEM and innovation, social engineering in building quality synergies in realizing the 4th Industrial Revolution Training and Development with special focuses on:
Strategic Relationship Management
Strategic Leadership, Capacity Development and Godly Character
Agile Space Leadership
Servant Leadership for Change and Goal Oriented
Amb. (Dr.) Adetunji Temitope Felix-CrownReawake is a seasoned author on social action and development, spiritual reawakening and revival, destiny discovery, a certified Criminologist and International Social Worker, a Global Chartered Consultant, Doctor in Human Resources. He is a professional specialist with competencies in Strategic Studies, Contract Project and Facility Management, Human Resources, Business Analyst, Customer Relationship Management, Environmental Health and Safety Management with Advanced Training Courses on Deployment of Renewable Energy Solutions, and seasoned Delegate for more than four (4) years to the World Bank Group Youth Summit; he is a wide researcher and rigorous reader whose study life has accelerated the growth and productivity of many people, both young and old and many international organizations. His positive contribution has had a tremendous impact with his global team worker and had made the United States of America authorized by granting good standing to GOD’S ARM GLOBAL FOUNDATION, and the Foundation has successfully become a Consultant to the UNITED NATIONS (Economic and Social Council).
Do you want to work with us? Please, send your CV to: godsarmglobalfoundation@gmail.com
Copyright © 2024 GOD’S ARM GLOBAL FOUNDATION. All rights reserved.